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Informing Investments in Early Childhood Education

We analyze current investments in early care and education and estimate the funding needed to cover the total cost of providing quality services.

When families do not have access to quality care for their children, they miss work or leave the workforce altogether. Ensuring all families and children have access to affordable, quality care is key not only to the healthy growth and development of children but also to the economic vitality and prosperity of our communities, state, and nation.

Nebraska's Public Investment in Early Care and Education

The Nebraska Early Childhood Funding Map allows Nebraskans to trace the sources of state and federal early childhood funding, while providing a model for researchers and policymakers in other states who want to track and visualize early childhood spending.

The map is based on data from three technical reports documenting Nebraska’s public investment in early childhood care and education in fiscal years 2017, 2019, and 2021.

View the Map

Nebraska's Child Care Funding Gap

In 2023, the Institute released a study estimating the gap between Nebraska’s fiscal year 2021 funding levels and the cost of providing quality early care and education. 

When the economy grows, what is needed to support the total cost of quality early care and education grows as well. But the gap between what is funded and what is needed to provide quality, accessible child care to all Nebraska families is only widening by millions of dollars.

Nebraska Child Care Market Rate Survey

The Institute has conducted the Nebraska Child Care Market Rate Survey since 2019. It is designed to collect and analyze information from Nebraska’s licensed child care providers that reflects the variations in the price of child care by geographic region, type of provider, and age of child.

In addition, the survey collects information on such topics as barriers and challenges to participating in the child care subsidy program, the cost of providing mandatory health and safety training, and more.


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