Walter S. Gilliam, Ph.D.

Executive Director
Child Development, Early Childhood Education, Equity, Implicit Bias, Mental health, Preschool expulsion and suspension, Workforce compensation, Workforce well-being
Areas of Expertise
- Child development
- Early childhood education
- Equity
- Implicit bias
- Mental health
- Preschool expulsion and suspension
- Workforce compensation
- Workforce well-being
Walter S. Gilliam, executive director of the Buffett Early Childhood Institute, holds the Richard D. Holland Presidential Chair in Early Childhood Development and a primary academic appointment at the Munroe-Meyer Institute at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He came to the Institute from Yale University, where he was the Elizabeth Mears & House Jameson Professor of Child Psychiatry and Psychology at the Yale Child Study Center and director of Yale’s Edward Zigler Center in Child Development and Social Policy.
Featured Publications
Young children & implicit racial biases. Meltzoff, A. N. & Gilliam, W. S. (2024). Daedalus, the Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 153(1), 65-83.
Prevalence of chronic diseases, depression, and stress among US childcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Elharake, J.A., Shafiq M., Cobanoglu, A., Malik, A. A., Klotz, M., Humphries, J. E., Gilliam, W. S. (2022). Preventing Chronic Disease [CDC]. 19, 220132,e61.
COVID-19 transmission in US child care programs. (2021). Gilliam, W. S., Malik, A. A., Shafiq, M., Klotz, M., Reyes, C., Humphries, Omer, S. B. Pediatrics. 147(1), e2020031971.
Expulsion and suspension in early education as matters of social justice and health equity. [Discussion paper, National Academy of Medicine]. Meek, S. E. & Gilliam, W.S. (2016). NAM Perspectives.
Early childhood mental health consultation: Results of a statewide random-controlled evaluation. Gilliam, W. S., Maupin, A. N., & Reyes, C. R. (2016). Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 55, 754-761.
Featured Presentations
The Role of Implicit Bias in Early Childhood Settings [Virtual event]. (2023, March 13). Bipartisan Policy Center.
The Science of Infant Bonding and the Need for Supportive Policies [Virtual event]. (2023, May 11). Bipartisan Policy Center.
Is Kindergarten Ready for Kindergarteners [Panel discussion]. (2021, September 19). ASU+GSV Summit, San Diego CA.
Virtual Press Conference: COVID-19 Transmission in U.S. Child Care Programs [Virtual event]. (2020, October 14). Yale University and Child Care Aware of America.
Early Childhood Expulsion and Implicit Bias [Conference presentation]. (2019, September 23). First Things First, Phoenix AZ.
Media Coverage
Preschools Struggle with California Law that Limits Expelling Children (2023, December 4). Los Angeles Times.
Wisconsin Preschool Expulsions, Teachers’ Mental Health Linked. (2023, August 17). Green Bay Press Gazette.
Study Documents COVID Fatality Rates of Teachers, Child Care Workers. (2022, June 6). Chalkbeat.
Do Masks Really Harm Kids? Here’s What the Science Says. (2022, February 17). National Geographic.
Can I Safely Send My Kid to Daycare? We Asked the Experts. (2020, October 20). New York Times.
Working in Child Care Does Not Elevate Risk of Getting Covid-19: Yale Study Finds. (2020, October 14). CNBC.
Day-Care Centers Are Very Low Risk for Covid-19 Transmission: Study Says (2020, October 14). Wall Street Journal.
Orlando Officer Is Terminated After Arresting 6-Year-Olds (2019, September 23). New York Times.
Study: Teachers’ “Implicit Bias” Starts in Preschool (2016, September 28). USA Today.
Yale Study Suggests Racial Bias Among Preschool Teachers. (2016, September 27). Washington Post.
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